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What is PBS
(Positive Behaviour Support)

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is a person-centred framework for providing support in situations where there is, or there is a risk of, challenging behaviour. ‘Challenging behaviour’ is persistent behaviour that puts people’s physical safety at risk or causes difficulties that limit a person’s ability to have a good life. 

This does not include behaviours that are typically part of the autism spectrum, such as ‘stimming’.

Behaviour is called ‘challenging’ because it challenges everyone who supports the person to understand why it is happening and to work together to find a solution.

An individual, their current & past experiences and what they have learned

The thoughts, feelings and behaviours of other people in their lives

The environments, communities and cultures they live in (e.g. Hastings et al, 2013).

What is challenging behaviour?

PBS understands that challenging behaviour occurs for a reason and communicates important information about a person’s stress, distress and skill development. 

Challenging behaviour happens as part of an interaction between three components: 

How can IRIS Collective Help?

It is possible to understand, reduce and prevent behaviour that challenges using Positive Behaviour Support. IRIS Collective focus on putting the participant at the centre of all the work we do by considering their strengths and needs and by working in partnership with their care teams.

IRIS Collective can provide some of that help. We can give you information, share video guides, offer support for family & carers and run workshops. We aim to help create better local support network that is available to everyone, when they need it; the right support in the right place at the right time. Join us in championing rights, raising awareness and promoting and sharing best practice.

All that the IRIS Collective does aims to improve the life opportunities and quality of life for our participants. We believe the best way to do that is by working together, investing in care networks and taking action to uphold people’s rights.

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